The twenty-fourth series of Top Gear began broadcasting on BBC Two and BBC Two HD on 5 March 2017, running for seven weekly episodes. It is the first series to feature Matt LeBlanc, Chris Harris and Rory Reid as the three main hosts, following the departure of series 23’s lead host, Chris Evans.
Series 23 of Top Gear received mixed feedback from critics and viewers. While Matt LeBlanc, Chris Harris and Rory Reid were generally well liked, Chris Evans was harshly criticised for being loud and for his lack of chemistry with LeBlanc. Criticism also focused on the show’s sluggish pace, the lack of humour in the audience segments, and the overly long “Star in the Rallycross Car” segment. Newspaper articles also indicated that the show struggled with viewing figures partly because of its broadcast time opposite the UEFA Euro 2016 championships. On 4 July 2016, following the series finale, Evans announced that he would be leaving the programme, having only presented six episodes. In a statement released via the BBC, he stated how he had done his best, adding: “I have never worked with a more committed and driven team than the team I have worked with over the last 12 months.”
قسمت اول: HDTV 480p | HDTV 720p | HDTV 1080p | HDTV x265 720p
زیرنویس فارسی | زیرنویس انگلیسی
قسمت اول Top Gear Extra برنامه: WEB-DL 720p | WEBRip x265 720p
قسمت دوم: HDTV 480p | HDTV 720p | HDTV 1080p | HDTV x265 720p
قسمت دوم Top Gear Extra برنامه: WEB-DL 720p | WEBRip x265 720p
قسمت سوم: HDTV 480p | HDTV 720p | HDTV 1080p | HDTV x265 720p
قسمت سوم Top Gear Extra برنامه: WEB-DL 720p
قسمت چهارم: HDTV 480p | HDTV 720p | HDTV 1080p | HDTV x265 720p
قسمت چهارم Top Gear Extra برنامه: HDTV 720p
قسمت پنجم: HDTV 480p | HDTV 720p | HDTV 1080p | HDTV x265 720p
قسمت پنجم Top Gear Extra برنامه: HDTV 720p
قسمت ششم: HDTV 480p | HDTV 720p | HDTV 1080p | HDTV x265 720p
قسمت ششم Top Gear Extra برنامه: HDTV 720p
قسمت هفتم: HDTV 480p | HDTV 720p | HDTV 1080p | HDTV x265 720p
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لطفا برای پخش هر چه بهتر فایل های مالتی مدیا، پلیر خود را آپدیت کنید! تنها پلیر مورد تایید وبسایت دانلودها، K-lite Mega Codec Pack 12.9.5 به بالا می باشد. با تشکر.
آمار وب سایت:
بازدید دیروز : 349
بازدید هفته : 4238
بازدید ماه : 17499
بازدید کل : 363433
تعداد مطالب : 1032
تعداد نظرات : 253
تعداد آنلاین : 1